
  We perceive the world through our physical body, more specifically, through our five physical senses. If we perceive the world and our physical body through our physical senses, then we cannot be the body vehicle that we are perceiving through, it being an instrument that we are using. Our prime object is to discover the perceiver.

  Say to yourself, "I am not this body, I am not this mind, -what am I?" In the background of all seeking and thinking, always keep this quest going.

  The more difficult the world is, the more incentive there is to seek the true Happiness, -the Self. When life is easy, the incentive is not as strong. This human, physical life that we are now in, is the most difficult of all living that we will ever experience and therefore presents the greatest opportunity for growth and realization. However, if one does not seek the Self and goes along with the world, then ones delusion and ignorance increases, and that is the extra hazard of being in this difficult world.

  When things get worse, if you lose your head the Masters cannot help you. If you don It lose your head, you can see it as' a motion picture and grow through it.

  The world has a slave consciousness. Man is convinced that it is necessary to work for a living and therefore it is. Were this not so, nature would freely supply all needs.

  If you want to know how much hatred there is in the hearts of total Americans, look at the present conditions and the war. However, we are not going backwards spiritually; we are advancing, in spite of what you see. We have been in a docile state of deep apathy holding subconscious thoughts of hostility, and now we are moving up and out of it. This is shown by our ability to express our hostility. Expressing is higher than suppressing. And this is what is happening in the world. You see it throughout everything today. The people are growing.

  However, the important thing for you to know is that there is nothing out there in the world but your consciousness. Let go of hostility and war and see the peace and harmony just behind it. A Master, a Christ, sees no hostility and destruction; He sees the Truth. He sees God as all. Now, if God is all and God is perfect, where is there imperfection? In Truth, in Reality, there is none. You must get to see this. You have to start with the correct assumption that God is all and God is perfect, and if you look through that consciousness that is all you will see.

  We should not get too interested in this world if we want to know the truth.

  The more you want and have of the world the more you let go of your limitless joy.

  The things of man are not the things of God. And man wants to foolishly hold onto the things of man.

  The world is nothing but a grinder-up of bodies.

  Desires bring us here and keep us coming here until we tire of it and have no more desire for it.

  To play with this world, to try to make it a good world, as is generally done in metaphysical teachings, is fruitless as far as Realization is concerned. However, it is useful in giving us a life that is more conducive to seeking the Truth.

  Accepting people's limited ideas of the world is injuring the world (and yourself).

  Accepting worldly limitations adds your force to them by your validating them.

  Education today is mis-education. We are taught limitation and illusion. The most important things are not taught. Colleges have no courses on the most important subjects: happiness and love, and the life-principle itself.

  What we call knowledge in the world is ignorance. Everything that man is trying to learn is constantly changing, so therefore, all of it is incorrect. That which is true never changes. The knowledge of your Self requires dropping all knowledge of the world.

  The world authorities are generally those who dont know.

  The more multiplex one is, the more multiplex the world.

  When we want to change the world, it is the ego playing God.

  People set the vibration of a place.

  The whole world is thrashing, dashing, gnashing, gashing and slashing, which in the end, results in ashing.

  Exclusiveness is a blight on the world. Oneness is its salvation.

  You cannot exclude even one percent of the people in this world and attain Realization.

  A frustrated person is one who attempts to do and carry out things by himself instead of letting the forces of the Infinite do it.

  The real history of the world is not a series of dates, battles and events. It is the continuous story of its spiritual growth. Someday the history of this world will be rewritten correctly by a Master, but not until the world wants it.

  Clairvoyance and TV are similar except that clairvoyance is on a much higher frequency.

  People are like dogs with a mean master. No matter how much the world beats us we keep coming back for more.

  The world has moments of pleasure with far more pain between.

  Chasing after joy in the world is an extremely frustrating thing. Has anyone attained full satisfaction in this world?

  Never let anyone know or tell anyone your weaknesses. People accept us at our own values and their mind goes to work to support the concepts.

  Our vision of the world is our own. No one sees this world as any other one sees it.

  If the world pulls you down it is because you have its negativity in you.

  Weather is caused by the total of all people’s consciousness.

  The world beats you until you know your Self.

  There is no such thing as a good world. Its the extremist limitation man can impose on himself. It is the helliest hell that he can live in.

  The world is a grand graveyard. Everything in it dies or disintegrates.

  If the world is real to you, you are all the time validating ego.

  All knowledge of the world is knowledge of delusion and must be let go of for Realization.

  The highest enjoyment in the world is a mere pittance compared to your natural inherent state of joy.

  The realer the world, the greater the misery. The realer the Self, the greater the joy.

  There is much more to this world than meets the physical eye. That which the eye sees is the least.

  The world is only God chopped up into little nothingnesses.

  The world is one long misery when seen as world but eternal joy when seen as your Self.

  The world is powerful only because we have been in the habit of it for a long, long time.

  Progress in the world lifts us from the physical agonies to the mental agonies. The world is a trap, attempting to trap infinity into finiteness, -an impossibility!

  The true view of this world is intense joy. The deluded view is misery. See the world aright and have nothing but joy!

  The Absolute Perfection is above the perfection of the world.

  The only good world is a transcended world.

  When you take your attention off the world, you can see what you are.

  If you do not know the world is in you, how can you let go of it? If the world is out there, what can you do about it?

  Any pleasure in the world is a momentary ego satisfaction.

  The world is a limitation no matter how high you go, until you see the truth of it.

  People who have enough spiritual understanding don't need laws, don't need parliaments.

  The only way to get a good society is to get the individuals composing it good.

  All legislation is to control acts resulting from selfishness. When all are selfless, no laws are necessary.

  In the not-too-distant future, the president will be the highest spiritual person in the country, the vice-president the second highest and so forth down.

  The world as world is one long sadness. The world as Self is one constant joy.

  World equals misery. Self equals joy. The cause of misery is that you think the world is real. The cause of joy is the knowing that the Self is real.

  In the world we are seeking to know the truth about the world as we see it. This is tantamount to wanting to see the truth about a lie. There is no truth, no changelessness that can be found in the world. Only within our Self can we find the truth of the world.

  It should be obvious that with all the tremendous increase in knowledge of the world acquired in the past 25 years, man has become less happy rather than more happy. Any knowledge other than knowledge of one's Self is not right knowledge. It is because of the aforesaid that our authorities of today are of muddling minds, are constantly changing their knowledge and theories. Someday they will discover that they are about 90% wrong. Only the knower of his Self can be correct in the knowledge of the world. He can change the 90% to 0%.

  The world is a play act. You have written, in your imaginative mind, the script, the acts, and the actors, and yourself as one of the actors. Recognize this and dwell in your authorship.

  The limiting of infinity gives the appearance of matter and energy.

  You have to master the world; otherwise, it is master over you.

  If there is anything in the world we like or dislike, it is master over us.

  Use the world to transcend the world. Look at your attachments and aversions to it and drop them.

  Not seeing the world as it is, is an aversion to it.

  You have to start mastering the world because you are convinced the world is master over you. You must see that you are the one who determines it. That makes you master over it. The next step is to become master over your mind and then you are a Master. (It's a nice feeling when you start mastering the world. isn't it?)

  The world is a tremendous magnet.

  Primarily, you have to un-want the world and want your Self.

  You don't have to be subject to anything because you are master of everything.

  The truth is, we created the stars and the planets. The important thing is to run them. Don't let them run you.

  Look at the earth t s influence on you and undo it.

  Rather than be automatically locked into the world, keep up your vigilance of remembering your true Self.

  The world is a very good place for rapid growth because your ego is being presented to you every time you talk to someone or someone talks to you. Daily, look at your ego motivations and let them go!

  Every' act in the world is motivated by your ego, until, of course, there is no more ego. Then action goes on egolessly.

  After you scorch enough of the mind, then the world doesn't trap you.

  There is immediate realization of the Self the moment one sees the unreality of the world.

  When the eye sees the world as "I", -that is Realization.

  Now you see the world as a very variegated variety. When you see the singular substance just behind it, you see the reality of it. Seeing the reality, you will see the singularness as the Self, - your Self.

  When you see the Self, the world does not disappear; your view of it changes. It will not look like it does now. You will see it as your Self.

  The only reason people do not get Realization is that they have more desire for the world than for Realization.

  It is the belief that the world is real that is the cause of one's difficulty in keeping out habitual thoughts. Were it not for this belief, realization of your Self would be easy. And this is your prime difficulty, - this belief that the body, mind and world are real.

  Our pleasures must be taken directly, not attributed to things outside of ourselves.

  Looking for joy in the world makes Realization impossible. The source of that joy is you, and it is not outside of you.

  Only desire for this world keeps us in the world.

  You are causing everything around you, - even when someone else seems to be doing it. When you realize this, you'll take responsibility for everything.

  If you don't like the world, change your consciousness. That is all there is out there (your consciousness) and it's the only thing that you can change, the only thing that you should try to change. Make the world perfect by perfecting your consciousness and all will be perfect.

  The Truth of the world is just behind what you now see.

  Declare your mastership rather than be a victim.

  The whole world is just a mere thought, -think on that!

  I and world, seer and seen, rise simultaneously, concurrently, co-dependently, and necessarily exist co-existently. The creation is instantaneous with the creator. Realize this. There is no world without the one who sees it. Realize the seer, within whom the apparency, the world, was imaged. The reality then is only the Seer.
