
  Why should we have need for this body? If we are infinite beings, why need we a body? The fact that we were born into a body shows that we are ignorant of our infinite Being. It's an indictment right in its own de facto situation.

  The body is the greatest shackle, imprisonment that we have, the greatest obstacle we have placed in our way.

  The only way out of all difficulties is to know that you are not the body.

  We came into this world to be a body in order to learn that we are not a body.

  The worst habit we have gotten into over the millenniums is that we are this body.

  The body is a slow action machine, that's all it is.

  The desire to survive as a body is the basis for all our present aberrated behavior. Everyone wants approval (love), struggles hard for it, and spends almost all his effort in life to attain it. As an infant, as a child, in our formative years we believed our parents would not take care of us if they did not approve of us and we would therefore die! So we developed perverted aberrated behavior patterns through suppressing our own wishes and desires in order to get that approval from our parents, which meant survival. The patterns are so deeply subconscious because of being formed in the very first days and years of our life and with so much suppression, that it is extremely difficult to reopen and consciously examine them now. However, once we know that we are not the body, all this behavior is gone.

  All fear is either directly or indirectly the fear of the body dying.

  You're infinite and there's nothing complicated about that, but the habit of being a body is so strong it complicates and overwhelms your abiding as your Self.

  The entire body of misery relates to the physical body.. The entire body of happiness is being what you are, the Self. Happiness is exactly what you are. Misery is exactly what you are not. The natural state is happiness. The artificially self-imposed state is misery. That is the choice, to say that the body is real or the Self is real.

  How attached are you to the body? That's how attached you are to misery.

  The body is life conditioned. You are life unconditioned.

  This body is nothing but a dying mechanism, from birth till death.

  If you have a car you do not say that you are the car. Why then, if you have a body, do you say you are the body?

  Sleep is the pleasure of non-bodily existence.

  You actually drop your body when you are in deep sleep and recreate it in the morning when you wake up. There's no difference between sleep and death except that after death you pick up a different body while after sleep you pick up the same body. The time between sleep-bodies is short and the time between death-bodies is long.

  Wrong belief that one is a body is the basic cause of desire and aversion.

  We shouldn't pay too much attention to the body. Give it what it needs and no more. Do it without attachment.

  Because of the extreme limitation of the human body, the incentive to get free is great. It affords the greatest prod for growth.

  To make your body perfect and to live in a consciousness of the body is not as high as to live with an imperfect body in a consciousness of your Self.

  It's a higher state to have a sick body and not identify with it. And that's why certain Masters do that. They will go through life with a weak or sick body, all the time maintaining their peace and equanimity. And they welcome it because it is an opportunity to be constantly reminded that they are not the body.

  The body is the disease, not the sickness of it.

  A perfect body can keep one in bondage as well as an imperfect one can.

  If you know that you are not the body, you are not the mind, so what if they hurt?

  The body is just a thought. Everything about the body is a thought.

  All functions of the body at one time had to be done consciously before they became unconscious.

  People are not aware that they run their bodies entirely. Subconsciously we know more chemistry than all chemists today know consciously.

  The mind is the switchboard for the nervous system of the body.

  The body is nothing but a robot, controlled by us. We create it and then say, That's I.

  It makes just as much sense to identify with this body as it does to identify with a body on a movie screen.

  Me and mine are binders to this body and to possessions.

  Some people who take no care of the body are very attached to the body. It is our attitude toward the body that counts.

  When you think of the body as God that is conceit.

  If you think you are the body, then make it perfect. If you think you are the Self, - then it doesn't matter.

  Body equals pain and Self equals infinite joy.

  If you think you are the body. you are distracted by it. If you know you are not the body, the body doesn't distract you no matter how sick it is.

  The basic motivational force in physical life is the desire to survive as a body. (And it is impossible!)

  One of the basic troubles today is that people are much too interested in the body. Most people live 99% of the time for the body.

  The body is a real jail. There's nothing about this body that needs glorification.

  If you want to know how attached you are to your body, consider throwing it off a cliff.

  There's no mind in the physical body. It's the mind of the astral body that operates the physical body.

  I am the body, is ignorance. The body is not apart from the Self, is Knowledge.

  The body is one of the least things that we can have.

  All trouble starts with wanting to be a body.

  The body operates on the law of cause and effect, and is an effect of the mind.

  There is always a decision to leave the body when we do.

  Misery is caused only by identifying with the body.

  Give the body its due. Keep the body healthy etc., and then forget it.

  The healthiest foods are fruits and vegetables from the flower of the plant. The unhealthiest foods are flesh.

  Cooking kills the vitality. We should eat fruits and vegetables uncooked.

  Exercise is good if one believes it is good.

  Best method of exercise is seeing cosmic energy moving in and out of the muscles and body as they are tensed and relaxed.

  We should see every body as our body.

  It's all right to be that body if you'll be every other body. Then you see every body as your Self.

  You are so convinced you are the body that you don't want to look away from it and therefore you look away from your Self.

  You feel yourself as you no matter what body you have on you.

  You're only free when you know that you're not the body.

  If you want immortality, stop holding onto the body.

  Once you know you are not the body, it doesnt matter what happens to the body.

  Be a body and be forever submerged in misery. Be your Self and be forever at peace.

  The body is like a strait-jacket when you see the Truth.

  You have the concept that you are only that body and only through that body can you be somewhere. That's not true. If you would see the Truth you would see everything going on anywhere right now.

  When you see you are not a separate individual, you transcend the physical, astral and causal bodies. Separate individuality is the cause of body form. You should see your individuality as the one Being.

  In the process of realizing what you are you will see all bodies as your bodies.

  An unusual thing happens, you become all beings. You give up being one body and become all bodies. But the bodies appear different from the way they look to you now. They become a flimsy, dream-like substance.

  Nothing that the body does should shake you from abiding as your Self.

  We should live our way of life so that we are not identifying with this extremely limited, garbage producing vehicle called the body. It only cuts off joy because we attach joy to it when really the joy is nothing but the experiencing of our real Self. Our way of life should be to be not the body, but be the witness of it.

  It's impossible to find God if we're accepting the body and the world as real. When you are the Infinite Self you don't see bodies, you see only the Beingness in them.

  To be not the body is a beginning step. As long as you are trying to be the body you haven't got a chance of seeing the Truth because the Truth is you're infinite and the body is at the opposite end of infinity, it's the most limited thing you can be unless you want to be a stone.

  Saying I am a body, is tantamount to saying, I, the limitless Self, am a limited body.

  Identify with your body and the extreme limitations of a body are yours. Identify with your Self and you are all bodies, all things, all knowledge and power, with no limits, and totally free!

  Be not the body and the world is a dream, a beautiful and perfect dream.

  There is a physical, astral and causal body. When you know what you are, you let go of all bodies. When you let go of the concept of being a body, you go all the way to the top. This physical plane is the greatest because in it we can transcend all planes and be Free!

  We have free will to identify with the body or to identify with our unlimited Self.

  If you think the body is so great, after realizing your Self you can make a thousand of them, all alike, all perfect!

  Die to the body and you die to death!
